Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Happy Birthday to our very own AYANA!!

ECF wishes Ayana a very happy day full of sunshine and blessings! Hope you have a GREAT birthday, Ayana!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

ECF Directory

Hey guys,

A new ECF directory 2005-06 has been added to our Yahoo! group. Please go check it out and if there are any mistakes/updates, please email phow@


Reflection of the Month-September

Empty Me

As many of you know by now, I'm finally working in a medical school here in Puerto Rico. Quite interesting I may say, after being in a medical school as a student for the past six years. It has being a growing experience, with some hard taught lesson which I'm still in the process of understanding.

The first week of class, I attended the white coat ceremony for the first year students. That great day when the students receive doctor's coat and that says you belong here. The guest speaker was Dr. Vargas Bidot, the founder of Community Initiative. He is the Patch Adams of Puerto Rico; he has change the white coat for jeans to work with drug addicts and HIV homeless. He spoke of how doctors have to treat more than a physical condition, they also have to treat the patient and their family as if they could reach the sky on your shoulder. He was talking about that feeling of security, hope and peace doctors should transmit, even when patients are facing the impossible. I soon realized how hard that was. It is something that is not taught at medical schools.

I started to wonder, where did he developed that heart? The answer came later that day, when my dad told me he was a Christian, not only of words but of actions too. You have to have more than knowledge in order to serve in that way.

Philippians 2:6-8 says,"Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man. He humbled himself and became obedient to death- even death on a cross"

Christ chose to be a servant, even though he was God. What ever you or I have done as a Christian can not even begin to be compared to what He did.

Empty me, empty me

And Fill, would you fill me

With you, with you (Empty Me, Jeremy Camp)

That should be our prayer! To be emptied of the Me, Myself and I. To take off the "white coats" that hinders us from serving. To look beyond the physical need. To be filled with the ointment that gives peace, that heals the spirit. To be filled with Christ!


Friday, September 09, 2005

Fellowship in Manhattan

Are you commuting from Manhattan? Are you seeking a fellowship that is more convenient to attend? If so, please read the following invitation from Soyoun, a med student who lives in Manhattan:

I tried last year to attend more ECF meetings, but for commuters it's really difficult. Now I have a fellowship group in Manhattan Upper West Side that I lead with my husband as part of the Redeemer Presbyterian Church small group system. I wanted to see if there's anyone who has a similar experience as I had last year because of the commuting issue, and would like to join some kind of fellowship group if they couldn't attend ECF regularly. Would you kindly make that information available to anyone who may be looking for such an opportunity? You can just have them contact me directly for more info. (Soyoun Im,, 212-316-2843)

Very best,

Soyoun Im
Medical Student
Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Happy Belated Birthday to...

...KEN!! (c/o '09) It was also this past Sunday, Sept. 4th.
Sorry this is late, but we still hope you had a good one!

Thursday, September 08, 2005

CMDA Picnic

Hey everyone,


This is a reminder that the Christian Medical and Dental Association picnic for the NYC area is this Saturday at 12 pm in Central Park at 96th Street and 5th Ave. If you guys are interested in attending, please let me know as soon as possible so we can go together or I can meet you guys there. Thanks!




ECF Ministry Contacts

Here's a list of people to contact if you're interested in helping out
with any of ECF's ministries. Let's join together our talents to glorify

There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are
different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds
of working, but the same God works all of them in all men. (1 Corinthians

Administrative - Deb (dleong)
Announcements - Irene (ijarchum)
Bible Study - Opeyemi (olabisi)
Outreach - Tina (ywong)
Prayer - Tina (ywong)
Speakers - Deb (dleong)
Social Events - Jacq (jchak) & Irene (ijarchum)
Testimonies - PC (phow)
Worship - Tina (ywong)
Anything else - Deb (dleong)

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Happy Birthday to Sophia!

ECF wants to wish Sophia (c/o '09) a very happy belated birthday. It was this past Sunday, the 4th. Hope it was a memorable one!!

Thursday, September 01, 2005

ECF Retreat, October 7th - 9th: Streamside Camp and Conference Center

Hi guys,

It's nearing fall, which means that ECF's yearly retreat is coming up! This year, it will be the weekend of Oct. 7-9, which should not conflict with any 1st or 2nd year exams - and furthermore, it's sandwiched between school holidays!

I highly encourage all of you to come and enjoy some good fellowship, food, and fun at the picturesque Streamside Camp and Conference Center only a couple hours away in Pennsylvania ( Come experience quality time drawing near to God and get to know the community of Christ here at Einstein.

- What: Fall Retreat!
- When: Oct 7-9, 2005 (leave Fri evening, return Sun afternoon)
- Where: Not in the Bronx!
- Speakers: Dr. Tad Gilmore (retired surgeon and missionary) and wife, Jane (missionary)
- Cost: First years - only $40, what a bargain for the weekend! Others - TBD, but don't let it be an issue!
- Who: YOU! If you're not one of the 16 ppl who signed up during fellowship, please let me know ASAP (reply now!) if you would like to come (even if you're a "maybe") as I need a head count. And if you can't stay for the whole weekend, but would like to come up on Saturday, please let me know as well.

Thanks, and have a blessed Labor Day Weekend!



This post is for people to introduce themselves to one another so we can connect graduates, first years, people who might not have met each other but are somehow connected through experience or people at ECF.

Please choose "other" and then type in your name when leaving your introduction under "comments".

Feel free.